Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Water for Elephants, Week 3, Post B

Dear Mr. Jacob Jankowski,
I absolutely love the novel Water for Elephants about your life! At first I was skeptical about the book, because the life of a circus hand just didn’t sound that appealing to me. But I was definitely wrong and I found that out in the first few pages. I actually am really enjoying this novel and can hardly wait to finish each chapter. First off, I think it’s really brave of you that you were able to uproot yourself from your home and just start a completely new life. I understand that you’re in your early twenties and all, but aren’t you ever homesick for your family and friends? I know I would be if I were in that situation. What did you think about Rosie when you first met her? Were you scared to work with such a beastly animal or were you thrilled by the challenge of it? I think it’s neat how you have a really strong connection with animals and think of them as people, like when you think Rosie smiles at you and Marlena. I love animals and also agree that they share feelings and are able to emote their emotions, just like humans. I found a really inspirational quote you thought of in your novel, “At the end of a desperate day is peace” (131). I totally agree with this statement and find it quite uplifting to know that even if the time’s become difficult, anyone should still be content with what he has. It lets the reader know your viewpoint on the whole life picture and that you in particular are able to persevere through difficult situations. I am still confused as to why Pete slit the throats of the horses and watched them die. I found that scene extremely gruesome and disturbing. Even though that terrible event occurred, I am looking forward to reading more of your novel!

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