Saturday, May 10, 2008

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Week 5, Post B

Dear Ms. Lily,

Congratulations on the birth of your son! He sounds like a wonderful baby, and you seem so happy now that he is here. I find it interesting that though you take so much pride in him, you never say his name. What is his name? Are there any naming rituals you practice, like naming the first son after the father? How did you feel when your mother accused you of causing Beautiful Moon’s death by bringing her outside? I cannot believe that you remained so calm when you and your mother had that fight! I found a striking cultural difference between traditional Chinese and American culture, “As in most marriages, the most important person for me to build a relationship with was my mother-in-law” (140). Why is this? Here, the most important relationship is between the husband and wife. It’s good to have a relationship with one’s in-laws, but its more important to have a strong bond with one’s husband. There was also a great difference in the hopeful birth of a child. In America, parents are usually thrilled with whatever sex their child is. But in China, you and all mothers hoped so badly to have a son! I thought it was interesting how you stole shoes from the altar for your baby and then you bring back the shoes once your baby is born. I feel absolutely terrible that you and Snow Flower are no longer able to see each other. With all of the tribulations you two have had, moving into new homes and such, your friendship was one of the last remains of hope either of you had. I also found it really interesting when Snow Flower says, “‘I thought we would soar together- two phoenixes in flight forever. Now I am like a dead thing sinking to the bottom of a pond. You say we will be together just the same. I believe you. But my threshold will hardly compare to yours” (131). She realizes just how much harm she caused to you for lying about her family wealth and wants to mend your relationship if possible. I hope you two will be able to see each other soon!


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